
The Friends of the West Cliff Theatre was formed in 1987 and now has over 600 members. Apart from providing a forum for those interested in keeping live theatre at the West Cliff, their purpose is to raise funds to support and improve the Theatre.

The Friends hold regular social and fund-raising events throughout the year, including quizzes, raffles, theatre trips and evenings in the Theatre Bar.


Photo of recent trip to Brick Lane Music Hall Adult Pantomime

They have a regular Coffee Morning on a Saturday in the Stage Door Bar from 10.00 a.m. to 12 noon which is open to all.
Over the past 30 years, they have raised well over £250,000 providing new lighting and sound equipment; carpets, chairs, stage curtains and, most importantly, a new roof to the main auditorium and helped with the Ladies toilet extension.
A number of the Friends also work as volunteer Front of House, Technical or Backstage Staff, or simply carry out such invaluable tasks of keeping the gardens tidy, postering etc.
The annual Membership fee is only £10 per person, joint membership is £15 and Groups can join for £25. Application forms are available within the Theatre.

JOIN NOW! Download the application form by clicking HERE

Chairman: Christine Winter
Membership Secretary: Jacque Bloomberg

To contact the friends or to find out more information, please see our display boards located in the theatre foyer, or email: [email protected]. To pay for membership by card, or to book and pay for trips please call: 07873 231365 ( This is a new number as of 09/01/2025)

Bar 77

The recently refreshed Stage Door Bar.

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